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CCERCI was founded in 1989 as the national institute for chemical and chemical engineering research. CCERCI is located in west of Tehran spans about 15 acres including main buildings and courtyards. The one-of-a-kind center has been the only active research center of chemistry and chemical engineering in Iran and is one of the most prestigious public research institutes in the country.
CCERCI and industrial researchers have joined forces to tackle some of the nation’s toughest challenges, including process design for oil industry, developing new medicines or medical procedures or improving the synthetic process of those already available, advancing nano-materials, and purifying waters affected by runoff. Graduated students in Organic, Inorganic, Analytical, Chemical Physics and Chemical Engineering disciplines have taken faculty or higher educational positions in universities around the word. CCERCI ranks first nationally for students learning in the country.
Educational activities of CCERCI began at 1994 with admission of 4 students for master program in Analytical Chemistry and Organic Chemistry, through University Nationwide Test by the State Educational Assessment Organization. Then in 2000-06, students were admitted in master program in Inorganic Chemistry and Applied Chemistry as well. In 2010, CCERCI obtained the agreement of the Higher Education Extension Council to establish master program of Chemical Engineering. In 2011, with admission of student in Physical Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, it developed its activity.  About one year later, 388 students were admitted.
Through follow-ups taken, this research institute obtained the final approval of the Higher Education Extension Council in 2008 for establishing doctorate program of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. In 2011, the first student admission in Doctorate in Education-Research Methodology and in February 2012, in Doctorate in Research Methodology were accomplished. Number of the graduates from CCERCI is 600 up to the end of September 2017, many of whom were admitted to the prestigious universities in Iran and abroad for continuing their education in the doctorate, or postdoctoral program. Publication of scientific articles in large circulation and top-rated scientific periodicals along with technical and industrial reports have been typical scientific accomplishments at CCERCI.
Based on CCERCI’s vision for the next 40 years, CCERCI will be a dynamic, fore fronting and topnotch institution with important contributions to the development of national and international technologies in chemistry and chemical engineering.

CCERCI brochure

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