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Facilitating Assignment of Iranian PhD students to France...

Facilitating Assignment of Iranian PhD students to France for Sabbatical Leaves.
In line with holding the second assembly of directors of Iranian and French universities and research institutions, Prof. Herve Sabourin, regional director of Agence universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF- Francophonie University Association) had a meeting with Prof. Salar Amoli, the Acting Minister for International Scientific Cooperation of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT), where directors for international cooperation of university of Tehran, Technical University of AmirKabir, Sharif University of Technology, universities of Shahid Beheshti, Tarbiat Modares, Alzahra, Ferwdosi University of Mashhad, Tabriz, and representatives of the French embassy and Ministry of Foreign Affairs were also present.

Referring to the existing platform for scientific cooperation between the Iranian MSRT and AUF, Prof. Salar Amoli announced MSRT’s readiness for implementation of joint venture research projects and sending Iranian PhD students for 6-9 months sabbatical leaves to France.

Both sides also emphasized on the importance of having a systematic and structured cooperation and holding technical sessions for preparing a roadmap for sustaining and expanding cooperation.

Prof. Sabourin announced AUF’s readiness on introducing a joint scholarship for Iranian students at French universities, and emphasised on the importance of holding the AUF international conference, where water management, Mathematics, Applied Sciences, Human Sciences, Green universities, sustainable development and renewable energies, ICT and bio-technology, etc.

20:30 - 30/10/1399    /    Number : 57    /    Show Count : 1000